Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Setelah sekian lama i did't any post..busy as medical student nak2 kat oversea..everythings are under my control..cook,wash,money saver,shopping,billllsssss n so on so on..oh mo moo sdey jew bunyi..wat ever it happen thing already decide for me so just through it without make a longgg sigh!!bcos i know HE is the best planner ever..
So today nak share about sayonara jahilliyah..u know the mean sayonara rite??means gudbye or leave russian it called dasvidaniya jahilliyah..hihi..lets me explain to you how to push away the title of jahilliyah..bcoz even now is the zaman moden metropolitan globalisasi dunia and so on but the title of jahilliyah stay stick on like chewing gum is sticking on your so sticky and dirty..huhu..let me explain briefly about JAHIL nie..
first, the definition:
as Arabians say jahilliyah mean that person is so STUPID and dont know anything about the truth..
pada zaman pemerintahan Nabi Muhammad pula jahilliyah is related to public dat is zero in islam..or if u want the detail just see on mr. google..heee:P
then proceed with the activities of jahiliyah pada zaman nabi:
then proceed with the activities of jahiliyah pada zaman nabi:
- They kill their own son bcoz they cant afford to support their own blood relation..especially baby girl as they own 'opinion' baby girl is daughter of GOD..nauzubillah
Dan janganlah kamu membunuh anak-anak kamu kerana takutkan kepapaan; Kamilah yang memberi rezeki kepada mereka dan kepada kamu. Sesungguhnya perbuatan membunuh mereka adalah satu kesalahan yang besar.(Al-Israa' 17:31)
- Zina come to be the common thing for jahilliyah as we can see there are many firman from Allah stress on that part
Dan janganlah kamu menghampiri zina, sesungguhnya zina itu adalah satu perbuatan yang keji dan satu jalan yang jahat (yang membawa kerosakan).
(Al-Israa' 17:32)- Penindasan juga like an habit in zaman jahilliyah..judi riba mengurangkan sukatan dan sistem penghambaan become a part of wealthy people hobby..
Dan demikianlah Kami uji sebahagian dari mereka (yang kaya raya) dengan sebahagian yang lain (yang fakir miskin); lalu orang-orang yang kaya itu berkata (kepada orang-orang fakir miskin yang beriman): "Inikah orang-orangnya yang telah dikurniakan nikmat oleh Allah kepada mereka di antara kami? " (Allah berfirman): "Bukankah Allah lebih mengetahui akan orang-orang yang bersyukur?"
(Al-An'aam 6:53)- And drink alcohol also in their list of activities, menyambah berhala n so on laa.. to give the complication on jahillyah zaman tok kaduk dulu tu and now day life..
- Kill own son??what??teruk nya attitude orang zaman arab jahilliyah ni..ops ops..relax dulu..nowday what we can see is people also throw their own son okey..menggugur kan anak..buang anak..and lebih dasyat lagi kill they own son dengan mengFLASHkan dalam lubang toliet,sumbat dalam tong sampah and banyak lagi example yang mungkin tak tercapai akal ku untuk mbayangkan perkara tersebut..sangat dasyat..berakalkah manusia zaman sekarang??or they also must be call JAHIL??
- Zina??isnt an appropriate thing to do rite??masyaAllah without realizing it kes merogol,tangkap basah,berkhalwat semua tu just the same title to zina actually..every day the same cases reported in doubt people sekarang pom 2x5 as arab jahilliyah..
- Penindasan dari segi kewangan sangat berleluasan..sikit pinjam tut tut bunga bukan men banyak lagi..and as usual the rich become more richer..the poor become fakir pity when no sense of humor in our masyarakat such a nite mare or maybe an horrible life to poor people to keep on surviving..
- Alcohol.i cant say more about it..all people knew even negara islam not prohibited on selling it..
Where is the divider between the white and black of our life??everything now turn to grey(samar) kebaikan (white) and kejahatan(black) mixed together hinggakan we cant really recognize whether it the right way or vice verse.. so friends let throw away that gum of jahilliyah in our life..start making a new divider so we will see the true colour of life..muhasabah diri sentiasa..kerana manusia sering lupa akan kebenaran..Insha Allah kemanisan iman akan menjadi milik bersama..amin..bye bye jahilliyah..sayonara:)
kita nak jadi afradulmuslim mestilah tajarruh..buang perkara jahilyah dalm diri..benda tuh tak diperlukan dalam diri setiap muslim.. ateh,,so grateful after read ur latest post...
ReplyDeletei think u should change lagu laa..kalu wak zikir (hafiz hamidun pon best) boleh laa i tmbh pahale smbil2 bce post ateh.. :) just cdgn ..